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Brewster Backs Senate Resolution Honoring Fallen Marine
On October 16, 2012
HARRISBURG, October 16, 2012 – Speaking on the Senate floor, State Senator Jim Brewster today honored fallen Marine Lieutenant Colonel Christopher “Otis” Raible.
An Irwin native, Lt. Col. Raible died last month during an attack in Afghanistan. Brewster and his Senate colleagues unanimously approved a condolence resolution honoring him.
“Lieutenant Colonel Raible’s heroic death reminds us all that we have thousands of service men and women in harm’s way, defending the freedoms we all cherish,” Brewster said in his Senate Floor speech. “It also underscores the quality and caliber of people we have in our military – and of the ultimate sacrifice that these heroes make.”
Pointing to Lt. Col. Raible’s success at Norwin High School, Carnegie Mellon University and as a U.S. Marine aviator, Brewster added that Raible had a “bright and promising future before him.”
Raible, 40, was leader of the marine Attack Squadron 211. He died during an assault on Camp Bastion.
The Senate resolution expresses condolences to Raible’s wife, Donella, their three children, and his parents, Alvin and Kim Raible.
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