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Brewster: Corbett Budget Hurts Schools and Families
On February 9, 2012
HARRISBURG, Feb. 9, 2012 — State Sen. Jim Brewster today issued the following statement on Gov. Tom Corbett’s 2012-13 state budget proposal:
“The tragedy of this budget is that the governor could have brought in more revenue without raising taxes,” Brewster said. “Instead, struggling families are being called on to dig deeper in their pockets.
There is no shortage of pain. The Corbett budget would cut $400 million in educational line items, $15 million from job training programs; and $6 million from state veterans’ homes.
The governor also seems determined to again put off badly needed construction work on our crumbling roads, bridges and transit systems. I find it alarming that Pennsylvania built more bridges in 1930 than in the past three years combined.
The budget also targets vulnerable families that rely on social services and special needs support. We cannot turn our back on people struggling to get by in these difficult economic times.
And don’t believe it when pundits claim the Corbett budget ‘holds the line on taxes.’ The Corbett Administration’s continued abandonment of the state’s 50 percent school funding obligation will all but force local school boards to again hike property taxes.
What troubles me the most is that the cuts did not need to be so steep and painful. For example, closing the so-called Delaware corporate tax loophole and imposing a reasonable severance fee on gas drillers could have generated millions in revenue — without raising broad based taxes.
As the legislature begins budget deliberations, I hope to make the budget more balanced, equitable and less painful to families who rely on crucial services and programs. I look forward to working with the governor and all of my colleagues to accomplish this goal.”
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