Pittsburgh, May 9, 2013 – State Sen. James Brewster today joined members of the state Senate Democratic Policy Committee at a hearing in Pittsburgh to discuss ways to increase voter participation in Pennsylvania elections.

“Voting is a constitutional right that all eligible voters should be encouraged to participate in,” Brewster said.  “The proposals discussed today are great ways to increase voter registration and participation through convenience and better accessibility to the polls.”

Brewster added that in last year’s presidential election, only 67 percent of registered voters cast a ballot.  He added that in 2011, only 23.1 percent of registered Pennsylvanians voted.

“Better voting laws mean better citizen participation, this in turn ensures a stronger democracy,” Brewster said.  “This hearing is an important first step in reforming Pennsylvania’s voting system.”

Some of the reforms that were discussed would allow:

  • early voting prior to election day;
  • voters to cast an absentee ballot without being required to provide an absentee ballot excuse;
  • same-day registration.





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