Brewster to Participate in the Second Annual Capitol All-Stars Softball Game

The second annual Capitol All-Stars Softball game is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 23 at Metro Bank Park in Harrisburg.  This year’s game will pit the “Yinz” team from western Pennsylvania against the “Youse” team from the east.  The regional teams unify members of the House and Senate, Democrat and Republican.

CapitolAllStars_300Last year more than  50 legislators from both sides of the aisle participated in the event which serves as a fundraiser for local food bank programs.

Last year, more than $62,000 was raised for Feeding Pennsylvania and Hunger-Free Pennsylvania and dispersed statewide to a variety of hunger relief programs and organizations.

There will be an auction of a variety of items including sports memorabilia, getaways, spa days and more; all benefitting Pennsylvania’s hunger relief organizations.  The game is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m.

For more information on the event, click here.  Facebook users can click here.