McKEESPORT, July 3, 2012 — State Sen. Jim Brewster today issued the following statement about the state’s recently-enacted 2012-13 fiscal year budget:

“While I am pleased there are no tax increases, I voted against this budget because it fails to use the state’s resources responsibly, and needlessly hurts too many people.

Everyone knew that the state’s stagnant finances would necessitate additional cuts this year, but it seems the governor chose to balance this budget on the backs of working families, our children and vulnerable people while giving his corporate friends tax breaks. The governor did not maximize potential new revenue that would have mitigated some of the cuts. For example, closing the so-called Delaware corporate tax loophole and imposing a reasonable severance fee on gas drillers could have generated millions in revenue — without raising broad based taxes.

The Corbett Administration showed a lack of experience in preparing budgets. I was also disappointed by the continued lack of transparency. For a governor who campaigned on reform and making government more transparent, this budget was secretly crafted, negotiated and finalized behind closed doors exclusively by the governor and majority Republicans in the legislature.

I was also disappointed that the budget hands more tax breaks to huge corporations while making little investment in proven programs that would create jobs, help small businesses and stoke economic development.

In the end, this budget leaves our public schools out on a limb, will force local property taxes to go up and will further erode important programs and services people rely on.” 

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