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Sen. Brewster To Attend Ceremony at Marina McKeesport
On June 17, 2011
Harrisburg, June 17, 2011 – Sen. Jim Brewster will attend the sixth annual “Blessing of Our Rivers, Boats, City and People” event at the McKeesport marina beginning at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
“This event shines a spotlight on something positive in the City of McKeesport,” Brewster said. “The marina is a destination not only for the Mon Valley, but as a Trailhead of the Great Allegheny Passage.”
The service is sponsored by the Jericho People, McKeesport Area Ministerium and city government.
The new River Rescue boat will also be christened. The McKeesport Firefighters will give a demonstration of the new river patrol boat and it will be dedicated in honor of Senator Jim Brewster. He was McKeesport mayor at the time of the boat’s purchase.
“First responders need the best equipment because they are in the business of saving lives,” Brewster said. “They will be able to do their jobs more efficiently with the use of a modern patrol boat as well as continue to provide assistance to nearby river communities.”
A prayer walk will take place after the boat blessings. The event will conclude with a continental breakfast.
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